My Community Projects: Vote Now!

My Community Projects have officially gone live for voting, which means that right now you can choose from a number of different initiatives suggested by members of the public to help improve the wellbeing of your local community.

We’re proud to be sponsoring two projects in the Heffron electorate, but there are plenty of great ideas in the running. Your vote could help secure funding to bring some of these ideas to life, so make sure you cast your vote before August 15! 

Check out some of the projects in the Heffron area, and find out how to vote below.

The Heffron electorate. Credit: Bernie Fingleton.

What are the projects?

In the Heffron electorate – that’s the area between Tempe and Centennial Park – there are 13 projects in the final round. You can see the full list on the MyServiceNSW website, but here are just a few:

A Makerspace at Joynton Avenue Creative Centre

One of two projects we’re excited to be supporting, the Makerspace at Joynton Avenue Creative Centre would be an inclusive place for our community to come together to play, learn, create and socialise with friends and neighbours. The program, led by Makers Play Lab, would provide low-cost, creative activities for young people and adults alike, with programs such as robotics, claymation, printmaking, DIY filmmaking and coding.

A community sauna for Joynton Avenue Creative Centre

The second of two projects we’re getting behind, Waiting for the Swimming Pool would bring art and wellness together in the form of a temporary public art installation and community sauna in Green Square. The sauna, proposed by Studio Rain and City People, would be a space for relaxation and social connection, and would be accompanied by a public program of arts and wellness activities. 

A new swim centre for people with disabilities

There’s currently no swimming pool in Sydney that’s specifically designed for people with disabilities, and this project hopes to change that. The new facility in Eastlakes would cater for everyone from children to adults, with specially trained staff and facilities that make swimming accessible and fun for everyone.

A performing arts program for schools in disadvantaged communities

Wakakirri is Australia’s largest performing arts event for schools, with a mission to teach students about themselves and others through the creating and sharing of stories. The MyCommunityProject funding would allow Wakakirri to continue giving students the gift of creativity, self-expression and confidence through performance.

How do I vote?

Like the sound of one of these projects? Cast your vote before August 15 to give your favourite idea a boost!

To vote, simply:

That’s it! 


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